Baikal: Myth and Image


  • Konstantin Lidin



Baikal, myth, image, conception, cultural geography, history, cartography, brand


Baikal is not only one of the greatest lakes of the world. Baikal is a system of myths and images which has been formed for many centuries. The analysis of old maps shows that only 200-300 years ago the existence of Baikal was the subject of wild speculations. Today the image of Baikal is a world brand. However citizens of Irkutsk and other towns located around Baikal can hardly make any profit on it. The reason is the absence of specialists who would be able to work with such a complex and strong image as Baikal.

How to Cite

Lidin, K. (2013). Baikal: Myth and Image. Project Baikal, 10(37-38), 112–118.



Author Biography

Konstantin Lidin

Ph.D. in Engineering, candidate for degree of Doctor of Psychology, Ass. Professor of the Department of Management at Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering (Irkutsk)




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