The Lake and the City


  • Konstantin Lidin



Baikal, Irkutsk, world heritage, cultural geography, tourism, resident population, competitive ability of the territory


The article considers relations between the city of Irkutsk and Lake Baikal in terms of cultural geography. Baikal is included in the UNESCO world heritage list. Unlike the majority of lakes also included in this list, Baikal’s coast is inhabited, especially its southern part. Similar situation is, for example, in the cluster “the city of Bergen – Geiranger village – Geirangerfjord” in Norway. The comparative analysis shows how Norway’s positive experience of the system “a city – a village – a natural phenomenon” could be used in order to make Irkutsk more attractive for tourists and citizens.

How to Cite

Lidin, K. (2013). The Lake and the City. Project Baikal, 10(37-38), 90–94.



Author Biography

Konstantin Lidin

Ph.D. in Engineering, candidate for degree of Doctor of Psychology, Ass. Professor of the Department of Management at Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering (Irkutsk)


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