Rainwater, a tool for development and maintenance of nature in the city - Three development projects illustrating the water as a support of natural processes in urban environment


  • Christian Piel




flood park, reed, blue frame, green frame, bioclimatology, biodiversity, rain garden, floating garden, pool, grant governance


The problems of manage urban stormwater are gradually taken into account by planners and landscapers. If the ecological potential of the temporary retention techniques is correctly operated in peri-urban areas, it is too little valued in a dense urban environment. Dense urban environment where the demand of nature is becoming stronger.

Presented three projects in dense urban areas, where rainwater is treated as support nature, and as a factor in natural processes.

These projects also aim to show how the problem of flood is a support social, legal, and financial, to implement these natural processes, so necessary in urban areas.

How to Cite

Piel, C. (2013). Rainwater, a tool for development and maintenance of nature in the city - Three development projects illustrating the water as a support of natural processes in urban environment. Project Baikal, 10(35), 100–108. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.35.25






Author Biography

Christian Piel

landscape designer, urbanist-hydrologist, director of Agence de paysage Composante Urbaine (Paris, France)


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PIEL Christian, (2009), Water in the cities, water in the world, the cycle of the water in the city, to clean up rainwaters by phytoremediation, in: Build for a sustainable development, Architectes Français à l’Export, AFEX, Paris, AFEX

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PIEL Christian, PIRE Marie, MAYTRAUD Thierry, (2010), Control, treatment and reuse of stormwater, drivers of a bioclimatic city: 4 case studies In : Elodie Brelot (ed) Novatech Conférences internationales sur les techniques et stratégies durables pour la gestion des eaux urbaines par temps de pluie, 27 juin au 1er juillet 2010, GRAIE, actes du colloque: http://hdl.handle.net/2042/35682