New museum construction in Irkutsk


  • Andrey Lyapin Irkutsk National Research Technical University



museum, museum collections, museum architecture, art museum, social and cultural development of cities


The article presents an analysis of the city museum policy used as a basis for a proposal for the construction of modern museums in Irkutsk. The article provides the results of the research activity of the working group “Architecture of new museums in the modern city” at INRTU and the conclusions about the expediency of building new museums in the centre of Irkutsk. The following projects made by students of Irkutsk architectural school as final qualifying works are considered: the project of reconstruction and expansion of the museum of regional studies on the basis of the historical building of the VSORGO Museum (Artem Zyubr), the project of the museum building for the geographical and historical collection related to the North American discoveries of travellers and merchants from Irkutsk (Nikita Sobolevsky), and the project of the new building for the Museum of Asian Art (Alisa Valeeva).

How to Cite

Lyapin, A. (2024). New museum construction in Irkutsk. Project Baikal, 21(81), 166–170.





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