Evolution of the contemporary museum image





digital and kinetic architecture, sustainable architecture, ‘green’ museums, environmental approach


The article considers the trends in the development of the appearance of modern museums. The analysis of literature, design materials, photo-fixations of museum complexes built within the last 20 years allowed to reveal such tendencies as multi-functionality, transition to leisure, entertainment and cultural complexes, diversity and individuality of facades, originality of volumes. It is shown that the present-day museum has been able to adapt to dynamic changes in society, the range of its functions has expanded, its appearance is actively changing. Diverse forms, bold architectural solutions of facades and volumes, application of digital and kinetic architecture, facade technologies are distinctive features of modern museums.

How to Cite

Shamaeva, T., & Lyubinskaya, M. (2024). Evolution of the contemporary museum image. Project Baikal, 21(81), 156–165. https://doi.org/10.51461/issn.2309-3072/81.2403





refereed articles


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