The “Sense of Place” and Spatial Consciousness


  • Alina Kostina Moscow City University



urban space, spatial consciousness, urbanism, political ontology, urban mythology, self-identification


The article considers two issues: the “sense of place” (G. Rose) as a way of self-identification of the citizen within urban space, and spatial consciousness, which is a three-part structure (includes phenomenological, representative and intentional levels of organization) in accordance with which urban planning strategies are embodied. It is shown that there is a close relationship between the political ontology of the city, the symbolic systems of the city and the struggle for the territorialization of cities. The article also analyses the connection between the scientific method and the ways of western self-identification. Moreover, it indicates the role of utopian cities, language and urban mythologies in the political activity of urban space.

How to Cite

Kostina, A. (2024). The “Sense of Place” and Spatial Consciousness. Project Baikal, 21(81), 131–137.





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