Siberian modernist architect A. A. Volovik


  • Elena Polskaya Project Creativity Studio “Contour”



Anatoly Afanasyevich Volovik, architectural heritage, modernism, 20th century, architectural projects


This article presents the creative biography of architect Anatoly Afanasyevich Volovik, a seminal figure in the development of Soviet modernism in Novosibirsk. The article devotes particular attention to Volovik’s notable projects, including the State Public Scientific and Technical Library and Tolmachevo Airport. Additionally, it examines the impact of Volovik’s contributions to the advancement of architectural education and the training of young professionals. It is based on archival materials, contemporaneous testimonies, and an analysis of his legacy in the context of 20th-century architectural heritage.

How to Cite

Polskaya, E. (2024). Siberian modernist architect A. A. Volovik. Project Baikal, 21(81), 86–92.





refereed articles


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