Vladimir Igorevich Kolpikov: Portrait of a Siberian architect


  • Natalia Saprykina International Academy of Business and New Technologies




V. I. Kolpikov, Irkutsk, architect, creativity, project, building


The article is devoted to the Irkutsk period of life and work of the outstanding Soviet and Russian architect Vladimir Igorevich Kolpikov (1936-2005), chairman of the Irkutsk branch of the Union of Architects of the USSR (1968-1975). It presents new facts and information about his biography, his professional formation, his extensive practical work experience in various spheres, including co-authorship with prominent masters of the 1960-1970s. The article reveals the emerging interest in the search for his creative path, active attitude to life and features of the Siberian character of the architect and artist. The list of his projects and buildings in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region is specified.

How to Cite

Saprykina, N. (2024). Vladimir Igorevich Kolpikov: Portrait of a Siberian architect. Project Baikal, 21(81), 65–73. https://doi.org/10.51461/issn.2309-3072/81.2384





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