Ani – Yerevan: The topic of succession on the canvases by Martiros Saryan


  • Armen Kazaryan National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



Martiros Saryan, Toros Toramanian, Alexander Tamanian, Ani, Yerevan, architecture of Armenia, construction of the capital


The exhibition at the Martiros Saryan House-Museum in Yerevan dedicated to the portraits of architects in the oeuvre of this artist prompted reflections on the personalities who laid the foundations for studying the Armenian architectural heritage, on the one hand, and the construction of a new Yerevan, on the other. The article analyzes the parallel drawn by Saryan between the construction of the medieval capital of Armenia, Ani, and the creation of the capital of Soviet Armenia during the renaissance of national culture. It also emphasizes the importance of the Ani architecture and the study of the heritage of Ani for the formation of both a new scientific school and a new style in the creativity of architects of the 20th century.

How to Cite

Kazaryan, A. (2024). Ani – Yerevan: The topic of succession on the canvases by Martiros Saryan. Project Baikal, 21(81), 60–64.





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