V.P. Astafiev National Centre


  • Ivan Denisov A2 Cooperative Design Bureau
  • Olga Uspenskaya Siberian Federal University
  • Boris Shatalov A2 Cooperative Design Bureau




Astafiev’s places, Siberian writer, memorial complex, museum, Yenisei, Ovsyanka, National Centre


The article presents materials on creation of the historical and cultural centre of Victor Petrovich Astafiev within the framework of the concept of sustainable development of Ovsyanka village in the Krasnoyarsk region timed to the 100th anniversary of the great Siberian writer.

How to Cite

Denisov, I., Uspenskaya, O., & Shatalov, B. (2024). V.P. Astafiev National Centre. Project Baikal, 21(81), 45–54. https://doi.org/10.51461/issn.2309-3072/81.2377





refereed articles


Astafiev, V., & Kurbatov, V. (2003). Krest beskonechnyi: Pisma iz glubiny Rossii [The cross is endless: Letters from the depths of Russia]. Irkutsk: Sapronov Publisher.

Elinskaya, T. (Ed.). (2011). Our Astafiev: Artistic and biographical album. Krasnoyarsk: Polikor.

Kontseptsiya Natsionalnogo Tsentra V. P. Astafieva v s. Ovsyanka [Concept of the V. P. Astafiev National Centre in the village of Ovsyanka]. (2016). Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture ‘Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore’. Krasnoyarsk.

Maistrenko, V. A. (2009). Zates na serdtse: Astafiev v pamyati lyudskoi [A notch on a heart: Astafiev in people’s memory: Photo album]. Krasnoyarsk: RASTR.

Natsionalnyi tsentr V. P. Astafieva [V. P. Astafiev National Centre]. (n.d.). A2 Cooperative Design Bureau. Retrieved July 29, 2024, from https://www.proa2.ru/project/natsionalnyy-tsentr-v-p-astafieva/

Selo Ovsyanka [Ovsyanka village]. (n.d.). A2 Cooperative Design Bureau. Retrieved July 29, 2024, from URL: https://www.proa2.ru/project/selo-ovsyanka/