House of State Institutions in Irkutsk (House of Soviets)


  • Vasily Lisitsin Irkutsk National Research Technical University



House of Soviets, House of State Institutions, 1920-1930s, Irkutsk, architecture, constructivism, post-constructivism, neoclassicism


The article considers one of the most striking objects of the Soviet period, the House of Soviets, at different stages of its realisation – from its design to final result. On the example of the Irkutsk House of Soviets the peculiarities of the approach to buildings of this type are revealed: architectural competitions, complex environmental approach, stylistic features associated with ideological attitudes, construction problems.

How to Cite

Lisitsin, V. (2023). House of State Institutions in Irkutsk (House of Soviets). Project Baikal, 20(78), 150–157.





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