



container, pause containers, form, function, content, eidos of place, hybrid environments, third place


“Something for Nothing”, pause containers, container buildings and other interpretations of the category “Containers” were raised for the first time by the XIX Congress of Architecture in Barcelona as a topical problem of the profession. The representation of architecture as a container, when the form does not follow the function at all, and the content actually becomes a replaceable and transformable filling, changes the traditional ideas about the impossibility to transfer the content of a work into another Form.
The ideology of hybrid spaces and flexible offices, the need for reconstruction/modernization of historical and industrial buildings and structures, renovation and gentrification of degrading environments and objects give special importance to the discussion of the “container” as an ongoing discourse of the profession.

How to Cite

Zheleznyak, O. (2023). Containers. Project Baikal, 20(78), 90–97.





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