South Siberian macro-region: prospects of development


  • Grigory Erokhin Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov
  • Darya Shalygina Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov
  • Lyubov Chernovskaya Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov
  • Vladimir Tuzovsky Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov



macro-region, urban development, strategic planning, urban planning framework, master plan, integrated development of territories


The article considers the prospects of formation and development of the South Siberian conurbation, transformation of functional and spatial structure of Novosibirsk as the largest city of the South Siberian settlement system, modern urban development management tools for urbanised territories and peculiarities of their application in South Siberian macro-region.

How to Cite

Erokhin, G., Shalygina, D., Chernovskaya, L., & Tuzovsky, V. (2023). South Siberian macro-region: prospects of development. Project Baikal, 20(78), 72–78.





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