The knowledge status in the paradigms of urban studies


  • Yulia Kozlova Moscow City University



urban studies, urban discourse, modern city, postmodern city, meta-studies of the city


The social nature of the city, its landscape and architectural, iconic and system codes ensure cultural continuity and unity of society. The article presents a comparative analysis of the concepts of the city in the era of modern, postmodern (“second modern”) and metamodern. In order to identify the basic approaches to the comprehensive study of the city, the context of urban research is characterized at each stage of the development of scientific knowledge, and the discourse of the most significant concepts is determined. The author substantiates the necessity for modern urbanism to apply a meta-research approach to its object.

How to Cite

Kozlova, Y. (2023). The knowledge status in the paradigms of urban studies. Project Baikal, 20(78), 46–50.





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