Balance of publicity and privacy in the context of Irkutsk city centre development




morphotype, spatial structure, conflicts of residential and public morphotypes, delimitation of morphotypes as a tool for conflict settlement


The article reveals the regularities of formation of the existing town-planning fragments and inclusion of those under design in the system of the historical centre of Irkutsk. The article considers the main evolutionary stages of the development of the historical centre of Irkutsk and the regularities of the formation of the fragments of the development during those historical periods. The authors’ methodology of revealing the problems of fragmentation is developed on the basis of the analysis of conflict neighbouring of buildings. The authors define the principles of formation of the established development and inclusion of modern development in the historical fabric. They also propose an algorithm for regulating the integration of buildings and its application to the real urban planning situation on the example of the template of the historical quarter of Irkutsk.

How to Cite

Selivanov, R., & Bolshakov, A. (2023). Balance of publicity and privacy in the context of Irkutsk city centre development. Project Baikal, 20(77), 92–99.





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