Ani: An urban planning idea for the New City and its continuity Authors Olga Baeva National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Downloads PDF (Русский) DOI: Keywords: Ani, architecture, Trdat, medieval city, history of urban planning Abstract The spatial composition of Ani, which used to be a large medieval town and the capital of Armenia, is analysed in the context of the general principles of medieval urban planning. The analysis made it possible to reveal the spatial relationship of urban dominants, to raise a question of the original idea of the architect Trdat and its continuity in subsequent periods of the city’s history. How to Cite Baeva, O. (2023). Ani: An urban planning idea for the New City and its continuity. Project Baikal, 20(76), 184–189. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Published 2023-07-17 Issue No. 76 (2023): regions. peripheries and centres Section refereed articles License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. References Belli, O. (2021). Ani in Everi Aspect. Istanbul. Gurevich, A.Ya. (1984). Kategorii srednevekovoj kul’tury [Categories of medieval culture]. Moscow: Iskusstvo. Ikonnikov, A.V. (2006). Prostranstvo i forma v arkhitekture i gradostroitel’stve [Space and form in architecture and urban planning]. Moscow: KomKnina. Kazaryan, A. Yu. (2016). Anijskij arxeologicheskij institut. Diapazon deyatel’nosti i osnovy dostizheniya uspekha [Ani Archaeological Institute. Range of Activity and What Achieving Headway is Based On]. Questions of the history of world architecture, 2(7), 9–27. Kazaryan, A. Yu. (2020a). Novye dannye o kupolakh khramov Ani. Chast’ tret’ya. Stratigrafiya barabana tserkvi Spasitelya [New Data on the Cupolas of Ani’s Churches. Part Three. Stratigraphy of the Tholobate of the Redeemer Church]. Questions of the history of world architecture, 14, 57–80. DOI 10.25995/NIITIAG.2020.45.38.004. Kazaryan, А. (2020b). The City of Ani Constructing a Medieval Capital in the Christian Orient. In V. Marinis, A. Papalexandrou, J. Pickett (Eds.), Architecture and Visual Culture in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean. Studies in Honor of Robert G. Ousterhout. Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. XIV, 241–252. Belgium: Brepols Publishers. Kazaryan, A. Yu. (2022). K izucheniyu arkhitekturnogo naslediya Ani. Aktual’naya problematika i publikatsii poslednix let [To the Study of the Architectural Heritage of Ani: Current Issues and Recent Publications]. Aktual’nye problemy teorii i istorii iskusstva, 12, 110–122. DOI: 10.18688/aa2212-01-06. Kertmenjyan, D. (2012). Ani City Center Complex. Proceedings of the international conference “Ani as Political and Civilizational Centre of Medieval Armenia” (pp. 218–228). Yerevan: Gitutiun,. Khalpakhch’yan, O. Kh. (1971). Grazhdanskoe zodchestvo Armenii [Civil architecture of Armenia]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu. Khalpakhch’yan, O. Kh. (1995). O Trdate [About Trdat]. Architecture. Proceedings of the conference “East-West: Personality in the history of architecture”, 4, 97– 103. Marr, N. Ya. (1934). Ani. Knizhnaya istoriya goroda i raskopki na meste gorodishcha [Ani. Book history of the city and excavations at the site of the ancient settlement]. Moscow– Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe social’no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel’stvo. Orbeli, I. (1911). Razvaliny Ani. Istoriya. Sovremennoe sostoyanie. Raskopki [Ruins of Ani. History. Current state. Excavations]. St. Petersburg. Tokarskij, N. M. (1961). Arkhitektura Armenii IV – XIV veka [Architecture of Armenia of IV-XIV centuries]. Yerevan; Armgosizdat. Zivilinskaya, E. D. (2018). Arkhitektura Zolotoj Ordy. Ch. II. Grazhdanskoe zodchestvo [Architecture of the Golden Horde. Part II. Civil architecture]. Kazan: Otechestvo.