architecture, port, engineers, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Far EasAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of Russian engineers in the context of the construction and design of the Commercial Port of Vladivostok. It provides a brief review of the historical prerequisites of its formation and subsequent development. The authors identify and analyze the three stages of its pre-revolutionary development associated with the periods of formation, the first major modernization and rethinking of the port’s activities during the First World War. In this regard, the master plans for the development of the port zone have been studied, and the authorship of the engineers developing these projects has also been revealed. The most representative works have been considered in more detail, their authorship has been established, and a number of unrealized draft projects of both master plans and individual objects have been analyzed. During the research, new personalia of the engineers who made a significant contribution to the development of the city were introduced into scientific discourse, and a leading role of the railway engineers in the urban development of the port zone of Vladivostok was also revealed.
How to Cite
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