Visual navigation and pedestrian spaces Authors Olga Volichenko Southwest State University Tatiana Tsurik Southwest State University Downloads PDF (Русский) DOI: Keywords: architectural landscape, urban environment, visual navigation, tourist pedestrian route Abstract Growing interest to the historical and cultural heritage and development of tourism actualizes the importance of information and communication means, which help to understand the existing urban landscape and increase the level of its comfort. A historical analysis of Kursk central streets has been made for this purpose. The authors consider the elements of pedestrian space structure as the basis for the arrangement of tourist route, as well as define the factors increasing their attractiveness. They give recommendations on how to form the urban interior with the use of design elements and creation of information and communication system in the context of the existing architectural appearance of Kursk city streets. How to Cite Volichenko, O., & Tsurik, T. (2023). Visual navigation and pedestrian spaces. Project Baikal, 20(76), 66–72. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Published 2023-07-17 Issue No. 76 (2023): regions. peripheries and centres Section refereed articles License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. References Ivanova, I. G. (2022). Istoricheskij gorod v kulturnom landshafte budushchego v otechestvennykh koncepciyax serediny XIX veka [The historical city in the cultural landscape of the future in the domestic concepts of the mid-XIX century]. Nasledie i sovremennost, 3, 258-276. Krylova, I. (2015). Concept of the public space “River Street” in the historical center of Krasnoyarsk. Project Baikal, 12 (46),110–113. Kuzneczov, S. O. (2015). Albom tipovykh reshenij (standartov) kompleksnogo blagoustrojstva territorii “vyletnyx” magistralej goroda Moskvy [Album of standard solutions (standards) of complex landscaping of the territory of the “outbound” highways of the city of Moscow]. GUP GlavApu i Moskomarxitektury. Moscow: UP RINT. Lynch, K. (1982). Obraz goroda [The image of the city]. Moscow: Strojizdat. Salmin, L. (2018). Experiments of space. Italian triptych. Project Baikal. 15(56), 114–119. Shevchenko, V. E. (2015). Vizualnye kommunikacii: tendencii form i tekhnologij peredachi informacii [Visual communications: trends in forms and technologies of information transmission]. Vestnik ChelGU, 5(360). Retrieved March 5, 2023, from Shimko, V. T. (2006). Arkhitekturno-dizajnerskoe proektirovanie gorodskoj sredy [Architecture and design of the urban environment]. Moscow: Arkhitektura-S. Silkina, M. A. (2014). Vysota razmeshcheniya vizualno-kommunikativnykh sistem vliyaet na obraz arkhitekturnoj sredy [The height of the placement of visual and communicative systems affects the image of the architectural environment]. AMIT, 2(27). Retrieved March 5, 2023, from Tyutchev, F. I. (1987). Stikhotvoreniya. Pisma. Vospominaniya sovremennikov [Poems. Letters. Memoirs of contemporaries]. Moscow: Pravda. Velichkin, D. (2022). Individualizirovat podkhody RAASN 1992-2022 [Individalizing RAACS approaches 1992-2022]. Ekaterinburg.