Creative activity of civil engineer Maximilian Arnold in Chita


  • Mikhail Bazilevich Pacific National University



Construction School, St. Petersburg, Chita, architecture, M. Yu. Arnold


The article reveals pages of creative biography of the Russian architect, civil engineer, building technician, professor of architecture M. Yu. Arnold, which were previously unknown to the historical and architectural science. The article provides brief historical information on the main stages and results of his professional and scientific-pedagogical activities in the central part of the country. On the basis of archival data and field study materials obtained by the author in 2021 during his scientific expedition to the cities of the Far East, Transbaikalia and Yakutia, the full picture of M. Yu. Arnold’s activity in Chita in the late 19th century is presented.

How to Cite

Bazilevich, M. (2022). Creative activity of civil engineer Maximilian Arnold in Chita. Project Baikal, 19(72), 118–121.





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