About mental and real axes


  • Elena Bagina Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin




axis, mental axis, real axis, architecture, order, power, world picture, symmetry, asymmetry


Axis is a term for many things: the axis of a cart, the axis of rotation, the axis of coordinates, the axis of symmetry... Originally, the axis was a part of a cart to which the wheels are attached. In a cart, it is visible and material, but more often the axis is understood as an imaginary straight line, which gives an idea of the peculiarities of the formation of the object and the ways of its ordering. It is naive to think that the order of forming-up of an architectural object is subject only to the architect’s own will, that architects draw the axis as they wish, especially when designing iconic buildings related to religion or power. Drawing the axes in architecture and urban planning follows the symbolic scheme of the currently dominant picture of the world.

How to Cite

Bagina, E. (2022). About mental and real axes. Project Baikal, 19(72), 96–102. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.72.1985





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