Digital cataloging of architectural monuments: Case study of Khabarovsk


  • Mikhail Bazilevich Pacific National University
  • Ivan Plesovskikh Pacific National University



digital cataloging, architectural monuments, Khabarovsk


The article is devoted to the problem of digital cataloging of architectural monuments. The most common ways of storing information about architectural heritage objects are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The authors compile a list of tools and software necessary to create a digital catalog of historical and cultural monuments. On the example of the city of Khabarovsk, the range of problems existing in this area is outlined and an algorithm for their solution is proposed.

How to Cite

Bazilevich, M., & Plesovskikh, I. (2023). Digital cataloging of architectural monuments: Case study of Khabarovsk . Project Baikal, 20(75), 112–114.





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