A theoretical model of the artistic and architectural object


  • Olga Volichenko Southwest State University
  • Jumamedel Imankulov Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
  • Anastasia Marchenko Southwest State University




architectural object, theoretical model, classical model, monostructural model, polystructural model, model of artistic work


Research in architectural history is consistently based on three models of the architectural object: classical, monostructural and polystructural. In order to understand the methods and principles of modeling the architectural object, the authors consider the stages of methodological understanding of the model of the artistic object by outstanding philosophers and art historians, who addressed the problems of aesthetic worldview. It is noted that the contemporary architecture, gravitating toward artistic openness, semantic streamlining, polysemy and vagueness, can also be presented as the unity of the natural, artificial and conditional.

How to Cite

Volichenko, O., Imankulov, J., & Marchenko, A. (2023). A theoretical model of the artistic and architectural object. Project Baikal, 20(75), 98–104. https://doi.org/10.51461/pb.75.22





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