

  • Elena Grigoryeva RAACS; Union of Architects of Russia





crisis, design, growth


As you know, the word ‘crisis’ written in Chinese consists of two hieroglyphs. The first one means danger, the second one means opportunity. Crisis is also a window of opportunity.

And the present proves it: we can see that even in times of permanent crisis, the urban environment is changing for the better, not only in capitals but also in regional centres (94), as well as in small towns. On New Year’s Eve the results of the 7th edition of the Competition “Comfortable Environment in Small Towns and Historic Settlements” were summed up. Over the five years of its existence, the real masters have matured in this sphere of design. It is especially pleasant to see the results, when quarters, parks, streets of previously forgotten small towns are revived, citizens become more active and, together with designers, find new points of growth.

Krasnoyarsk’s embankment, which received the Gold Award in its nomination at Zodchesvo in Siberia 22, confirms the best urban traditions developed in recent years in this city thanks to the skills of its architects, and confidently continues Krasnoyarsk’s ambitious movement towards metropolitanism well triggered by the Universiade 2019.

Digitalization (105-114) is not hindered by crises either. They even accelerate it, which is inevitable. Digitalization is ruling in the regions of Russia, just like over the rest of the world.

How to Cite

Grigoryeva, E. (2023). opportunity. Project Baikal, 20(75), 93–93. https://doi.org/10.51461/pb.75.20




