Architectural design and ontological crisis


  • Petr Kapustin Voronezh State Technical University



the problem of ontology in architecture, genesis of the ontological crisis; applied architectural and planning ontologems, architectural design as a problem, bunker as a prototype, aestheticization of a disaster


The state of permanent crisis has become almost a norm for contemporary humanity. However, one cannot deny that for modernist tendencies in art, literature and culture in general, crisis is the most comfortable state: it raises the stakes for innovation, allows radicalism, and demands strong methods and strong personalities. The trend, alas, is not limited to modernism as a period. Architecture, prone to expressive ‘beautiful gestures’ and aimed at acute emotional impact, even today fosters the spread of ontological crisis, while cluttering the mental sphere.

How to Cite

Kapustin, P. (2023). Architectural design and ontological crisis. Project Baikal, 20(75), 36–47.





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