Seams of borders and networks of cities: Russia in the late 18th century


  • Nadezhda Gryaznova Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)



Tambov Province, 18th century, city, capital, province, uyezd, settlement system, internal borders


Using an extensive archival, memorial and historical material, the article describes the processes that took place in the late 18th
century in the organization of the Russian Empire through the example of the changes in the territorial organization of the Tambov
Province. The author analyzes the principles underlying these changes, as well as the boundaries of settlement territories and, in
particular, cities. Russian and Western European cities are compared and different reasons for their emergence and the political motives of their changes are emphasized.

How to Cite

Gryaznova, N. (2023). Seams of borders and networks of cities: Russia in the late 18th century. Project Baikal, 19(74), 143–154.





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