Antagonism of the concepts of “place” and “non-space” in architecture


  • Olga Volichenko Southwest State University
  • Marina Zvyagintseva Southwest State University



architectural space, the concept of “place”, the concept of “non-place”, sense of space, history


The article deals with the theory, the main characteristics of the architectural space and the antagonism of the concepts of “place” and “non-place” on the example of Kursk architecture. The subject of the study is the contradictions in the development of modern
cities that, on the one hand, erase their individual features and, on the other hand, demonstrate a significant tendency to appeal to the historical memory of the place. The article actualizes the problem of revealing cultural identity of the place focused on the formation of a sense of belonging to the past, preservation and reconstruction of historical objects, as well as creation of new architecture, which forms a symbiotic unity with the natural and historical context.

How to Cite

Volichenko, O., & Zvyagintseva, M. (2023). Antagonism of the concepts of “place” and “non-space” in architecture . Project Baikal, 19(74), 103–109.





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