Consular complexes on the territory of Manchuria


  • Tatiana Smolianinova Pacific National University



consulate, architecture, Manchuria, Britain, Russia, Japan


The article discusses the features of the formation of consular institutions on the basis of the principles laid down in the design of consular facilities in the UK and their succession by other countries. The study made it possible to identify the compositional and planning features of the sections of consular offices, which preferably adhered to a certain scheme in the planning structure that has developed in the countries of the representatives. When designing, preference was given to a complex of consular buildings
located mainly in a dedicated fenced area with various functional content. The results obtained are the basis for further research on the architecture of consular offices in the cities of Manchuria located in the zone of influence of the railway during the period under review.

How to Cite

Smolianinova, T. (2022). Consular complexes on the territory of Manchuria. Project Baikal, 19(73), 159–163.





refereed articles - heritage


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