Albazin: Russian outpost on the Amur


  • Nikolai Kradin Pacific National University



Albazin, Amur, voyevoda Tolbuzin, palisade, “gorodni”, Chinese siege, earthen rampart


The article examines the architecture of the first wooden fortress in the Amur region, which became a kind of outpost on the border with Manchuria. The author analyzes the planning structure of the fortress and its design features associated with the change of the
first fort with palisades to a fortress with log walls, and then a timber-earth fortress surrounded by an earthen rampart. The article was written on the basis of a study of literature, archival materials and a field study conducted by the author at the site of the Albazin fort in 2009.

How to Cite

Kradin, N. (2022). Albazin: Russian outpost on the Amur. Project Baikal, 19(73), 150–158.





refereed articles - heritage


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