Eco-development of territories allocated for low-rise residential buildings


  • Elena Bazhenova Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy); National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Alexander Bazhenov Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)



eco-development, development of territories, territories for individual low-rise residential buildings, principles of urban and ecological design


This article discusses the ecological principles of creating sustainable prototypes and models in order to define architectural and spatial features of territories allocated for low-rise residential buildings as the basis for the eco-development of suburban spaces. It also describes its stages, where the introduction of digital technologies can provide effective management of the development of territories from an urban and environmental point of view.

How to Cite

Bazhenova, E., & Bazhenov, A. (2022). Eco-development of territories allocated for low-rise residential buildings. Project Baikal, 19(73), 136–141.





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