Modern market housing and deprivation of happiness


  • Lyudmila Anisimova National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



multi-apartment residential complex, protected space, day and night stay zones, economy of planning solutions, marginalization of the population, riskogenicity of the residential environment, small-sized apartments


On the example of modern development of multi-apartment residential complexes, the article studies the quality parameters of the living environment depending on the planning characteristics of the apartments, the number of rooms in the apartment and the
percentage ratio of small-sized one-room apartments and studios in relation to multi-room apartments in the complex. Negative
characteristics of the layout of apartments are identified on the basis of the POE (post-occupancy evaluation) concept. Taking into account the efficiency coefficient of apartments, the most optimal layout options are determined. The article studies the qualitative
parameters of the residential environment associated with a certain degree of risks. It analyses and proposes the parameters of the
optimal percentage ratio of different types of apartments in the complex for the formation of a sustainable housing system.

How to Cite

Anisimova, L. (2022). Modern market housing and deprivation of happiness. Project Baikal, 19(73), 113–121.





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