The concept of the Interuniversity Campus in Khabarovsk


  • Anastasia Garnaga Pacific National University
  • Evgeniya Samsonova Pacific National University



interuniversity campus, types of campuses, public opinion, Khabarovsk


The article attempts to give a typology of existing university and interuniversity campuses. The authors conduct an interdisciplinary
study and consider the object not only in the field of architecture and urban planning, but also in the field of urban sociology. The
analysis of public opinion is presented as a method of identifying the expectations, needs of the academic community and citizens,
which subsequently form the basis of the design specification, making it as realistic as possible and focused on improving the “quality of life” of Khabarovsk residents.

How to Cite

Garnaga, A., & Samsonova, E. (2022). The concept of the Interuniversity Campus in Khabarovsk. Project Baikal, 19(73), 48–54.





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