Happy city: Well-being, comfort and safety of its residents


  • Natalia Bakaeva National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Marina Afonina National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Natalia Vetrova V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
  • Irina Chernyaeva Research Institute of Building Physics of the RAACS
  • Anastasia Gaysarova V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University




urban development, happiness, happy city, urban environment, city functions, comfort, safety


The article discusses the impact of urban development and planning on the life and happiness of the population. The ratings of the best cities in the world in terms of quality of life and level of happiness are analyzed. Depending on the goals of urban planning, a happy city is defined by the following concepts: a “smart” city, a city of digital technologies, an eco-city. The criteria for classifying cities as “happy” are considered. A number of demographic and social indicators affecting the level of happiness of the urban population are formulated. The authors discuss the conceptual basis of the development of modern cities on the principles of balanced natural and anthropogenic compatibility with the natural environment. An enlarged calculation of the indicator of the feasibility of city functions was performed (as an example for some Russian cities). The data obtained are compared with the results of a sociological survey (rating of happy cities of the Russian Federation).

How to Cite

Bakaeva, N., Afonina, M., Vetrova, N., Chernyaeva, I., & Gaysarova, A. (2022). Happy city: Well-being, comfort and safety of its residents. Project Baikal, 19(73), 40–47. https://doi.org/10.51461/pb.73.07





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