“With human happiness…” PB Discussion Club


  • Konstantin Lidin https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7022-6871
  • Elena Grigoryeva RAACS https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1181-8380
  • Konstantin Antipin
  • Valentina Kazakova Siberian Laboratory of Urbanistics
  • Roman Malinovich Club of Young Architects
  • Anastasia Malko Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; INRTU
  • Mark Rusanov Siberian Laboratory of Urbanistics
  • Evgeniya Surikova PROdesign
  • Anastasia Kholyavko Siberian Laboratory of Urbanistics
  • Nikolai Zhukovsky N. Zhukovsky Architectural Bureau; INRTU
  • Tatyana Annenkova
  • Marina Tkacheva V. P. Sukachev Irkutsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts




architecture, urbanism, urban planning, professional ethics, collaborative design, happiness, happy city, fair city


The connection between the work of the architect and the citizens’ happiness was discussed at a round table in the editorial office of the Project Baikal journal. Does the professional ethics of an architect and an urbanist include concern for the “amount of happiness” of the inhabitants of the city? What approaches and methods are used by architects to increase this amount? How can we be sure that we do not increase the amount of happiness of some groups of the population, while infringing on the “right to happiness” of other groups? Both young architects and experienced masters have expressed their opinion.

How to Cite

Lidin, K., Grigoryeva, E., Antipin, K., Kazakova, V., Malinovich, R., Malko, A., Rusanov, M., Surikova, E., Kholyavko, A., Zhukovsky, N., Annenkova, T., & Tkacheva, M. (2022). “With human happiness…” PB Discussion Club. Project Baikal, 19(73), 22–31. https://doi.org/10.51461/pb.73.01




