Projects of consular facilities of Kazy-Girey in Harbin


  • Tatiana Smolianinova Pacific National University



consulates, architecture, Harbin, project, engineer Kazy-Girey


The architecture of unrealized projects of consular institutions of the Russian Imperial Consulate in Harbin is considered and analyzed. The projects were part of an unrealized plan to reorganize the consular service of the Russian Empire, the construction of which was never carried out due to the outbreak of the First World War and the subsequent October Revolution. In the course of the study, authorship of the projects carried out by the talented civil engineer Kazy-Girey Nikolai Alexandrovich was established, as well as his brief biography and the main stages of his creative activity. The article also describes the architectural, planning and compositional features of draft designs, such as the building of the consulate, the houses of the consul and vice-consuls.

How to Cite

Smolianinova, T. (2021). Projects of consular facilities of Kazy-Girey in Harbin. Project Baikal, 18(70), 194–199.





refereed articles - heritage


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