Hospices in the infrastructure of the cities of the RF


  • Asmik Klochko National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering




hospice, hospice movement, palliative care, palliative center, humanization of architectural environment


The author analyzes the current state of hospices and palliative centers in the Russian Federation, as well as the problems and opportunities they face. The presence of world-class hospices along with the regions of zero palliative care for the population is revealed in the infrastructure of the RF. The article studies the basic forms of care organization and reveals the necessity of taking into account territorial and regional peculiarities of a particular region. It also outlines the necessary components of hospice care and highlights the ethical sense of its provision.

How to Cite

Klochko, A. (2021). Hospices in the infrastructure of the cities of the RF. Project Baikal, 18(70), 162–168. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.70.1908





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