Landscape code for therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes


  • Elina Krasilnikova Sevastopol State University
  • Inna Zhuravleva Sevastopol State University
  • Inna Zaika Sevastopol State University



Landscape code, therapeutic gardens, therapeutic landscapes, urban landscape framework, landscape infrastructure, green framework


The creation of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes in the structure of landscaping of hospitals and clinics is an important direction in the formation of the landscape and urban planning framework of cities to avoid the consequences of the pandemic. The landscape code of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes is scientifically grounded practical guidelines for the architectural and landscape design of the territories of healthcare facilities.

How to Cite

Krasilnikova, E., Zhuravleva, I., & Zaika, I. (2021). Landscape code for therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes. Project Baikal, 18(70), 120–125.





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