Development potentials of Krasnoyarsk open public spaces


  • Natalia Unagaeva Siberian Federal University
  • Irina Fedchenko Siberian Federal University
  • Alexey Lipovka Siberian Federal University
  • Olga Bliankinshtein Siberian Federal University
  • Natalia Popkova Siberian Federal University
  • Matvey Savelyev Siberian Federal University



open public spaces, Krasnoyarsk, complex analysis, geoinformation technologies, development potential


The open public spaces (OPS) of Krasnoyarsk are analyzed from the perspective of the global trend in the comfortable urban environment formation. The given classification reflects the unique natural landscapes and objects of the existing landscape-planning structure of the city. The methodological approach to the complex analysis of their current state is based on the assessment of the territory development potentials and is carried out, inter alia, with the use of geoinformation data analysis. The unique and unified factors influencing the development of the OPS are identified and recommendations are given for their transformation into indicators and parameters of the environment comfort. The principles are formulated and the prospects for the further development of OPS in Krasnoyarsk are outlined.

How to Cite

Unagaeva, N., Fedchenko, I., Lipovka, A., Bliankinshtein, O., Popkova, N., & Savelyev, M. (2021). Development potentials of Krasnoyarsk open public spaces. Project Baikal, 18(70), 100–111.





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