New lands: Designing an image of the motherland


  • Alina Ivanova Pacific National University
  • Ekaterina Glatolenkova Pacific National University
  • Mikhail Bazilevich Pacific National University



architectural image of the motherland, colonial architecture, the Far East, Turkestan, Transsib, CER, Trans-Caspian Military Railway, orientalism, national style


The article focuses on the search for architectural representations of the Russian Empire on new lands (the Far East and Turkestan), which simultaneously became part of it in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The article consists of two parts. The first one reviews the architectural and spatial arrangement of railways, which were the colonization structural frame: the eastern part of the Transsib (the Amur and Ussuri Railways), the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER), and the Trans-Caspian
Military Railway (TCMR). The second part of the article describes the evolution of the colonial orientalism and national stylistics. The article draws a conclusion about the variability of the cultural policy of the Russian colonialism.

How to Cite

Ivanova, A., Glatolenkova, E. ., & Bazilevich, M. . (2021). New lands: Designing an image of the motherland. Project Baikal, 18(68), 134–146.





refereed articles - heritage


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