Krasnoyarsk’s right bank. Industrialization heritage


  • Olga Blyankinshtein Siberian Federal University
  • Olesya Kiseleva Siberian Federal University
  • Olga Uspenskaya Siberian Federal University



Krasnoyarsk, right bank, housing development, architecture of multi-family housing


The study is based on the historical analysis and archival photographic materials of the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore. The
article is focused on residential architecture and its significance. It describes the housing development of Krasnoyarsk’s right bank in the 1960-1970s. It presents the examples of residential buildings of historical and cultural value. The article reviews the formation of the ensembles of the prospect named after the newspaper “Krasnoyarsk Worker”, the “Stone Quarter”, the Bridgehead Square and other areas of Krasnoyarsk’s right bank.

How to Cite

Blyankinshtein, O., Kiseleva, O. ., & Uspenskaya, O. (2021). Krasnoyarsk’s right bank. Industrialization heritage. Project Baikal, 18(68), 98–103.





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