“Here we’ll be given a good house…” (the 1930s)





East-Siberian region, Stakhanovites, housing policy, culture, dwelling and household conditions


Basing on the archive documents related to the Stakhanovism in the East-Siberian region, the authors study the dwelling and household conditions of the foremost workers’ life in 1935-1936. The historical materials, including letters, memoirs, reports etc., show the course and results of the housing and social policy of the Soviet government through specific examples.

How to Cite

Lisitsina, Y., & Lisitsin , V. (2021). “Here we’ll be given a good house…” (the 1930s). Project Baikal, 18(68), 70–75. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.68.1805





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