Architectural education in Kazakhstan


  • Alexei Abilov Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev
  • Nikolai Metlenkov MArchI
  • Anton Khodzhikov Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev
  • Vladimir Yaskevich Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev
  • Niyaz Sarzhanov Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev



rchitectural education, architectural education, quality of professional training, educational programs, educational standards, teaching methods


The article raises questions of further development of architectural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the realities of modern times, the need to respond to global challenges of our time, in the search for national identity in the art of architecture. The article examines the didactic prerequisites for improving the quality of training of specialists who could be competitive among the world's architectural elite. Current educational standards and curricula are critically analyzed. The article highlights the results of a questionnaire survey of students and teachers of leading architectural schools in Kazakhstan, graduates and employers.

How to Cite

Abilov, A., Metlenkov, N., Khodzhikov, A., Yaskevich, V., & Sarzhanov, N. (2021). Architectural education in Kazakhstan. Project Baikal, 18(67), 163–165.





refereed articles


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