Peasant estates of the Bukhtarma Old Believers


  • Evgeny Likhachev Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov
  • Alla Likhacheva Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov



peasant farm, Old Believers, peasant estate, South Altai, ethnographic materials, peasant wooden architecture


Based on a comparison of the materials of the ethnographic Kazakstan expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1927 and the expeditionary materials of the architect-art critic E.A. Ashchepkov in 1943, the article describes the features of the establishment of manor complexes of peasant farms of the commercial type, old-resident and resettlement population groups in the XIX-early XX century in the southeastern Altai region in the basin of the rivers Bukhtarma and Narym.

How to Cite

Likhachev, E., & Likhacheva, A. (2021). Peasant estates of the Bukhtarma Old Believers. Project Baikal, 18(67), 157–162.





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