Theatricalization and renovation of urban territories


  • Natalia Dembich Russian State University (RSU) named after A. N. Kosygin
  • Maria Zyrina Russian State University (RSU) named after A. N. Kosygin
  • Alina Fatkullina MArchI



design, architecture, theatricalization of the urban environment, territory renovation, emotional theatricalization, ontemporary art, art object, small architectural form


The means of psycho-emotional impact of art have practical application in the field of spacial design. The use of methods and means of dramatic arts for the purposes of project development of renovation of urban industrial territories is promising. The introduction of the principle of "emotional theatricalization" of the urban environment expands the designer's capabilities in creating an emotionally favorable living environment.

How to Cite

Dembich , N., Zyrina, M., & Fatkullina, A. (2021). Theatricalization and renovation of urban territories. Project Baikal, 18(67), 146–149.





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