Lessons of respect for the landscape drawn from Tulun experience


  • Andrey Bolshakov INRTU




evaluation in urban planning, flooding, a small depressive town, respect for the landscape, urban development zoning, protection dikes, morphotypes of residential development


After the flood in Tulun in 2019, more than 15 thousand people lost their dwelling. Tulun is a small depressive town possessing natural resources. The new master plan takes into account the peculiarities of the landscape, but still has drawbacks of planning. The author proposes principles for its reconstruction. A landscape-oriented principle establishes a procedure of urban development zoning and engineering protection from floods. The second principle is focused on the use of the economic and geographical position to revive the town. The third principle implies a targeted approach to the working out of morphotypes of residential development.

How to Cite

Bolshakov, A. (2021). Lessons of respect for the landscape drawn from Tulun experience. Project Baikal, 18(67), 130–137. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.67.1767





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