Urban planning basis for budgeting


  • Sergey Mityagin RAACS
  • Pavel Spirin RAACS
  • Zlata Gaevskaya Civil Engineering of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University




sustainable development, budget of administrative-territorial formation, spatial distribution of activities


All types of environmental management and economic activities, both those that produce material goods and resources, as well as intellectual, creative types and knowledge, from prehistoric times to our time, require spatial design of the conditions for implementation. On this basis, a simple solution can be found to create conditions for economic and spatial stability, as well as for the stable development of any administrative-territorial entities.

How to Cite

Mityagin, S., Spirin, P., & Gaevskaya, Z. (2021). Urban planning basis for budgeting. Project Baikal, 18(67), 72–75. https://doi.org/10.51461/projectbaikal.67.1757





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