the city as an organism




аrt restorers, city, transport, historical center


Art restorers believe that, in the course of time, pieces of art, paintings and sculptures acquire characteristics of an organism. And what about a city? We often use a metaphor “city as an organism” in our professional discussions, and rightly so. Judging by their complex and diverse character and the wholeness of their system, delicate urban interrelations can be compared to a living organism. Transport and utilities look like lymph and blood vessels. Recreation areas are the lungs of the city. The historical center is its heart. The operation on this heart was pointed out by Mark Meerovich (PB 50, p. 75), and right now it is the main discourse in Irkutsk. Paris even has its belly – Les Halles Market, which was rebuilt into a shopping mall in the 20th century (this operation is considered an error by many professionals, including Bernard Tschumi).


How to Cite

Grigorieva, E. (2021). the city as an organism. Project Baikal, 18(67), 45.

