Монстры обильно присутствуют не только в книгах, но и на картах прежних эпох. Довольно симпатичный монстр с карты Джакомо Гастальди. 1567
Genetically modified cities




architecture, urbanism, history, genius loci, genetics of cities, emergence of cities, management of urban development, sustainable development


Based on the analogy of a city with a living being, the concept of a city genome is considered. The author proposes a model, according to which the genome of a city is formed when the town emerges at the intersection of the landscape features and the socio-historical context. The characteristics of the locality in which the city emerges are combined in the image of the “Genius Loci”. The socio-historical context is concentrated in the image of a passionary impulse for the birth of the city. Ignoring the urban genome in city development management leads to the emergence of unnatural and painful phenomena similar to fantastic chimeras and monsters. It is concluded that a thorough and careful study of the genome of cities is necessary.

How to Cite

Lidin, K. (2021). Genetically modified cities. Project Baikal, 18(67), 8–13.





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