Residents’ satisfaction with the city space


  • Grigory Erokhin RAACS; NSUADA
  • Galina Parshukova NSUADA



residents’ satisfaction, urban space, pre-design study, open public spaces, Novosibirsk


The authors propose a technique for assessing residents' satisfaction with urban space. The authors conducted a study of the real urban public space. An “Urban Space Satisfaction Questionnaire” was developed and tested on the research object. The questionnaire confirmed its viability and can be further used to assess residents' satisfaction with urban spaces in large cities. Based on the assessment of satisfaction, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are formulated for further use in the development of the architectural and environmental design of Karl Marx Avenue in Novosibirsk.

How to Cite

Erokhin, G., & Parshukova, G. (2020). Residents’ satisfaction with the city space. Project Baikal, 17(64), 114–117.





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