Siberian architecture and art school: yesterday and today


  • Natalia Bagrova Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts
  • Nikolai Zhurin NSUADA
  • Gennadiy Pustovetov RAACS; NSUADA
  • Sergey Filonov S. N. Balandin Museum of History of Siberian architecture



higher architectural education, Siberian architecture and art school, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov


The sources and development prospects of Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov are related to the “Siberian architecture and art school” phenomenon. The historical concept of establishing a university as a center of scientific research, design practices and education is newly realized in thirty years at the next stage of the development of architectural and art education in Siberia.

How to Cite

Bagrova, N., Zhurin, N., Pustovetov, G., & Filonov, S. (2020). Siberian architecture and art school: yesterday and today. Project Baikal, 17(64), 110–113.





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