Проект реконструкции кварталов вокруг ул. Малой Бронной. Архив Е. Б. Пхора
The impact of Irkutsk architecture school on its masters’ unique manner


  • Konstantin Antipin




Soviet modernism, XX century, historical heritage, Irkutsk, architecture of science


The article is devoted to architects of the sixties who contributed to the development of architecture in Irkutsk and who left it for various reasons. Studying the projects designed by B. M. Aptekman, V. N. Banit, V. S. Voronezhsky, L. G. Krupskaya, V. A. Pavlov, E. B. Pkhor, L. M. Rezvyakova, V. A. Chemeris before and after their moving to other cities, the author makes conclusions about the impact of Irkutsk school on the formation of the architects’ creative manner.

How to Cite

Antipin, K. (2020). The impact of Irkutsk architecture school on its masters’ unique manner. Project Baikal, 17(64), 88–97. https://doi.org/10.7480/projectbaikal.64.1640





refereed articles



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